What is a csw?

CSWs are in neighborhoods

Each program maintains a permanent public space that is walking distance to low-income homes and schools, and is dense with science exhibits as well as tools and materials.  User-generated content and locally hired educators foster familiarity and agency for participants.

CSW programs are open-ended and student-driven

As much as possible, students choose what they want to do and how they’re going to do it, what questions they want to ask and how they’re going to answer them.

CSW’s are open-door

drop-in hours minimize barriers to participating youth and families, and a variety of other programs provide multiple entry points in time and space:  afterschool, during the day, on field trips to the CSW, and via mobile programs at rural locations

CSW’s strive to saturate their community with science

work with schools, community-based organizations, housing projects, libraries, municipalities and parks as needed to transform a community’s experience of science education.

The scientific processes of observation and discovery are at the heart of any CSW activity, be it sewing a purse, re-wiring an electric car, comparing mammalian femurs, or playing with a bicycle wheel gyroscope.